Your gender, for example, will affect how people react to you. Indeed, while most everything I say in this book applies equally to men and women, cross-cultural social interactions are a major exception. This is because women travelers more frequently tend to be the target of curiosity, harassment, and double standards. Simple friendliness and eye contact can be taken the wrong way by men in traditional cultures, and female independence is strangely confused with sexual lasciviousness in many parts of the world. It is not fair, but it's a reality - so female travelers should be on their guard.
I found this paragraph rather interesting. I don't think it just apply to cross-culture travelers, it apply also to every girls ( maybe especially Asian girls whom are suffering from obedient-submissive stereotype ) in North America.
Sometimes it get so funny and unbearable to watch, you just want to have fun with it. See what will they pretend to be to get lay and while they found that they couldn't then disappear swiftly into the universe like they had never exist. It is so obvious and predictable to a point that it is disgusting. That is why I get advices from girls like " tell every men you have a boyfriend as soon as you arrive the company, trust me, best policy getting rid of bugs."
I believe both sex have sexual needs and it is extremely normal and understandable. All you need is honesty, be honest to the other party with your truth feelings and respect theirs. At least give the courtesy of aligning expectations. But I believe some men believe it is much easier to cheat their way into getting what they want thus betray themselves as well as their female encounters' trust and compassion.
I guess if you are an animal who only worship money worrying about feeling will be a waste of time.Unfortunately, "nice girls" have to learn how to love these modern male anthropoid apes.
Went to the dancing class again tonight. So much fun : ) So so nice to see Meg and Sandra again.