Who am I? Sometimes I ask myself. Seems like my life is useless as music. What kind of musci is it? Is the kind that turning from know to unknown over and over again like a running river, a bit polluted but it is running and sometimes it hit something harsh and cry out one or two spashes.
I feel peaceful on my own with my books. I love reading, no nonsense, and most the humor from them I can actually understand.
I am under pressure from my family and sometimes even myself to find someone and settle down have kids. Be honest with you, what is the point? Human being sometimes in my mind are cancer cells, where ever we go, pure and beautiful things get destroyed and we even destroy each others.
I just can not see the point why producing more trouble to the world.
Why am I so negative? Maybe it is just in my gene, I could not help it. : ( One say: the view someone towards the world reflect how much he love himself. I guess all depends. I love myself, maybe a bit too much. That is proably why I get disappointed and wondering why people can be so full of BS?